This Privacy Statement describes the personal data that is collected by Tropicoir Lanka (Private) Limited, Growrite Substrates (Private) Limited and Euro Substrates (Private) Limited (hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘TEG’ or the ‘Company’) which is collected, organized, structured, stored and used to provide the services offered by ‘TEG’ in a more efficient manner.
As a Company we are committed to protecting the data of our customers,employees, suppliers, visitors and investors and to such effect we have taken stringent measures to ensure that the data that is collected is protected, kept confidential and is lawfully obtained in terms of prevailing laws including but not limited to the Personal Data Protection Act No 09 of 2022.
When processing data at all times the company has taken stringent steps to ensure that;
Our Data Privacy Officer is responsible for overseeing questions in relation to
this privacy notice. If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice, including
any requests to exercise any of your legal rights, please contact the Data Privacy
Officer using the details set out below.
TEG Holdings (Private) Limited
Address :104, Pagoda Road, Pitakotte, Nugegoda, 10100
Contact name : Privacy Officer
Email address :
In order to legitimately pursue the business of the Company the Company collects the following types of data.
Customer Information
Supplier Information
Employee information and potential employee information
Visitor Information
Shareholder information
1. Contact information such as name, address, e-mail address and
telephone number.
2. Shares held by shareholder’s and percentage.
3. Employment details.
As discussed below, and where technically feasible, the Company uses Personal Data in the following manner.
The data belonging to our customers:
The Data belonging to our suppliers:
The data belonging to employees and potential employees
As a responsible corporate citizen, we have taken great care to ensure that no outside parties have access to personal data belonging to our customers, suppliers and employees. However, in order for there to be greater efficiency, information is shared with the following systems and organizations.
Customer data and supplier information is stored on ERP systems whereby data is stored on servers both locally and overseas.
Employee data is stored on a Human Resources Management System, which is primarily stored on cloud servers equipped with the latest security controls.
Shareholder information is shared with our auditors and secretaries.
We may also share your Personal Data with state institutions such as the Inland Revenue Department, Customs, Board of Investment Sri Lanka, or the Sri Lankan Police if required to do so by law or in the event such information is required to be produced before a court of law. Upon such an event we will only disclose the minimum amount of information necessary. We will also inform the data subject concern of any such disclosure unless we are prohibited from doing so by law or by an order of Court.
We require all third parties to respect the security of your Personal Data and to treat it in accordance with applicable laws. We do not allow our third-party service providers to use your Personal Data for their own purposes and only permit them to Process your Personal Data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.
At ‘TEG’ we take all necessary steps to protect the data rights and privacy of our clients, employees, shareholders, visitors and suppliers. In this regard we have taken steps to ensure that all data maintained is accurate and up to date. As a customer, supplier, employee or potential employee, shareholder or visitor of the Company you have the following rights with regards to protecting your privacy and data.
As a company we place great value on your data and have taken several measures to keep your data confidential and maintain the highest integrity with regards to your data at all times. In this regard we take all necessary steps wherever practicable to process your personal data in a safe and confidential manner by preventing any unauthorized persons and parties having access to your data.
We further use a range of physical and electronic security measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the personal information we hold about you.
When we collect data through the Site, we collect your personal details on a secure server. We use firewalls on our servers. Furthermore, we aim to only keep your information for as long as we need it. When we no longer need information, we take reasonable steps to destroy or deidentify it. Further, your information will be kept up to date, and we will take every reasonable step to erase or rectify any inaccurate or outdated personal data, without undue delay.
2014 年の開始以来、当社の年次住宅支援プログラムである「クルタグナ ピヤサ」プロジェクトは、チーム メンバーの福利厚生に対する当社の取り組みの基礎となっています。毎年、各工場から 10 名の従業員を厳選し、住宅手当を受け取ります。この取り組みにより、2023年現在、満室住宅建設の恩恵を受けた隊員を除く延べ253名の隊員に住宅支援が行われています。このプログラムは、チームメンバーが快適で安定した住居を確保できる手段を確保し、それによって全体的な幸福に貢献する、協力的な職場を育成するという当社の取り組みを強調しています。
Our commitment to healthcare advancement led us to actively take in this project with financial contributions towards the development and repair of the high-dependency ward at Kalubowila Hospital in 2021. This investment reflects our dedication to enhancing medical facilities and ensuring a more resilient and supportive environment for patient care in our community.
私たちは毎年、上級レベルの試験後に大学に入学するチームメンバーの子供たちをサポートし、学位を取得するまで毎月の助成金を提供します。この取り組みは、2023 年に 16 人の学生を支援し、学習意欲を促進し、熟練した労働力を育成します。学生に経済的権限を与えることで、高等教育へのアクセスを促進し、地域社会と国の発展のための人材を育成します。
2011 年と 2013 年以来、私たちの TEG 英語と IT アカデミーは 330 人の村の生徒の教育において中心的な役割を果たしてきました。 2023 年には、そのうち 253 名が英語 (1 年生から 11 年生) で優れており、79 名が IT (6 年生から 11 年生) で優秀です。英語力とITスキルを向上させ、学生がグローバル社会に向けて準備できるようにすることで、地域の教育の限界を超えるよう努めています。 TEG アカデミーは単なる学校ではありません。それは社会変化の触媒であり、批判的思考、革新、適応性を促進します。この取り組みは、力を与えられ、将来に備えたコミュニティに対する私たちのビジョンを反映しています。
私たちの取り組みは、前向きな学習環境を作り、重要な教育リソースを提供し、学生の学業をサポートすることを目的としています。私たちは物質的な援助を超えて、5 年生の奨学金試験で優秀な学生を毎年表彰することで学業の優秀さを表彰しています。これらのトップ成績者は、普通レベルの試験を完了するまで補助金を受け取ります。この継続的な経済的支援は、子どもたちの学業努力を奨励し、経済的困難に直面している両親を救済しながら、継続的な教育支援を保証します。
Our dedication to this project reflects our belief in education’s transformative power. By offering resources and financial incentives, we motivate students and support their academic success. This commitment underlines our focus on nurturing quality education and positively impacting students’ educational experiences.
2018年に発足した「アナガタヤ ワヴァム」(未来を成長させる)ココナッツ栽培プロジェクトは、2027年までに50万本の木を植える予定で順調に進んでいます。この取り組みは、ココナッツの重要な役割を認識し、スリランカの農村経済を強化し、国の食糧システムに貢献することを目的としています。価値創造と環境保護におけるプランテーション。このプロジェクトは、木の手入れを教え、収入源を提供することで、経済と食糧の持続可能性を高めることに焦点を当てています。このプロジェクトへの私たちの取り組みは、地域社会の持続可能な成長と回復力への私たちの献身的な姿勢を反映しており、より広範な社会および環境管理の目標を具体化しています。
「アナガタヤ ワヴァム」プロジェクトの重要な点は、若い世代にこの習慣を植え付けることを目的として、子供たちを植樹に参加させることに焦点を当てていることです。このプロジェクトは、国内のさまざまな地域から数千人の子供たちが参加するように構成されており、若者の間で環境管理に対する広範な認識と理解を促進します。